Friday, July 2, 2010

112 Days to Go: All Dressed in...Ivory

I picked up my dress today! It came in a little over a month early, so this was a super surprise! It definitely needs to be pressed, but I don't think it needs to be altered, which is going to save at least $200!

The seamstress gave me these options for a bustle, but I'm not even sure I'm going to have her put one in. I only have a slight train, which I chose purposefully, so I'm hoping if I don't have one, it won't be a huge deal.

over bustle

under bustle


My sister/Maid of Honor came into town to help me out with the dress. She is such a nerd and makes me laugh! It was so good to have her be weird with me in a potentially awkward situation!

All in all, I think I'm pretty happy with the dress! I just need to figure out how to wear my hair, keep working out, and definitely even out my sweet recess-tan!

1 comment:

  1. This dress is just perfect!!!! You look amazing in it!!!! Also, I am in love with the feather planters. I wanted to do something similar to that, but it just was way out of my budget. Also, congrats on not having alterations!!!
